Despite the fact that, generally, I consider myself to be a lucky person (I once won a hot air balloon ride by entering a free contest at Safeway), I've never really had good luck with computers. My (now) previous laptop was no exception. I bought it less than 2 years ago and since then it has probably been at the Best Buy repair center more than I've ever had it at home! It's been a never-ending stream of small problems and little annoyances, like a broken wireless button or 2 small dots of light on the screen that would never go away. Thank goodness for my 3-year Geek Squad plan, or this computer would've seen the hard end of a bat months ago.
Anyway, after the 4th time of having to send it in for repairs, I finally got annoyed enough to request a no-lemon policy, which would allow me to get a new computer. The Geek Squad guys didn't go for it at first, but I wouldn't back down, and they finally relented and sent in the request. Last Thursday I got a call saying it had been approved! I went it straight after work on Friday to collect on my one piece of computer good fortune that I'd had in years.
This is the part where it gets good.
So I went in to Best Buy, expecting to get a newer version of the computer (which I would've been happy with, since my old laptop was only 1g and the average one was 4g now). Instead, they told me that I would get a credit that I could use toward whatever new laptop I wanted. I got scared for a minute, because my computer was way passe. I bought it for $800 but feared I wouldn't get more than $400.
Well, next thing you know, the Geek Squad guy tells me that, since the average price of the laptop was $791, that was the price they were going to give me. Can you believe that?! I was stunned. He told me that I could get any laptop for up to that price. Hmm ... well, I tried another approach.
Let me introduce this next section by saying that I'd always wanted a MacBook, but could never afford it.
I asked the guy if I could use some of my money and get an upgrade, and sure thing, he said yes! So I went straight over to the Mac section, found the MacBook of my dreams and picked it right up. After over an hour of tweaking the cash register, the total for my laptop finally came up ... including tax, $580. A hell of a lot better than $1300, I'll tell you that!
One more thing. Despite the fact that my Geek Squad rep told me that I could transfer the one year remaining on my warranty, the guys upstairs said that I couldn't. However, to make up for all the shit I had to go through, they offered to pay for half of a new plan. I didn't want to spend much, and figured I could buy a new policy later, so I decided to go for the $100 accidental coverage to go with my manufacturer warranty.
Well, just as you know it, the guy ringing me up accidentally comped me for the entire warranty! Afterwards, he said that he was too tired to undo it and didn't care, so he gave it to me. So, in essense, I DID get my one-year policy transferred to my new laptop! Isn't life great?
So that's my happy ending. And you know what? After all the crap the last computer put me through, I tell you what, I deserve it :).
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago
Holy shit dude.
ReplyDeleteThat's fucking awesome.