How many bland copies does it take to annoy me? Well, I've just found out.
I've had a bone to pick with Dreamworks Pictures for quite some time now. It first started when they allegedly (although anyone with a brain knows it's true) stole Pixar's ant-world idea and created Antz in a rush so they could beat the premiere of A Bug's Life, a much more original and highly developed movie with a better storyline.
I'm still on the shelf about Madagascar and The Wild. It's obvious that one was a complete rip-off of the other, and whilst Madagascar DID come out first, I'm not convinced that Disney was the copycat, because The Wild had much better animation and a more diverse voice casting. And given Dreamworks' track record with Antz, I wouldn't be surprised if they had ripped off The Wild too.
Then the whole Shrek thing. I did enjoy the first and second ones, but it seemed a little tweakish that they could create an entire trilogy out of copying ideas from Disney copying ideas from original fairy-tales. It seems like such a complete hack, like those 'Disaster Movie,' 'Date Movie' and 'Meet the Spartans' spoofs that only serve to further dumb down the population by hurling physical gags and sexual innuendo until we're ready to kill ourselves. Not to mention the whole farting, burping and whatnot (that's in just about every scene from Shrek) really gets on my nerves. By the way, did you know they're making Shrek into a musical? There's an entire song devoted to burping and farting as some sort of romantic gesture. I'm not kidding. Seriously.
But now they've really crossed the line into desperation. The new Dreamworks movie, 'Monsters vs. Aliens,' features a character named Bob, a slick, sarcastic, yet somewhat endearing piece of blue goo that has the ability to slide around and move his arms in and out of his body.

It's totally obvious that Dreamworks wanted to capitalize on the success of Bloo's character by morphing it just enough to avoid a lawsuit and plucking it into this movie. It's pretty mental, if you ask me. The only thing that saves the character of Bob from bring thrown headfirst into the bottomless pit of my eternal malcontent is the fact that Seth Rogan is providing the voice.
Ten bucks says I'll still end up seeing this movie. But I'm goin' in a Bloo t-shirt. If I can find one. I'll have to make a stop at Hot Topic.
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